Evoke Motorcycles in long-term testing of Gen 2 battery pack, optimized for fast charging
23 October 2018
Evoke Motorcycles is currently in long-term testing of its Gen 2 Battery Pack, that allows charging from 0 – 80% SOC in 15 mins; additionally, it is daisy chainable and modular for small scale to mid-scale electric vehicles.
Evoke’s Gen 2 module features a combination of its proprietary cooling system and software control of the ultra-fast, low voltage, high current charger that allows for its quick charging times. The combination of software and hardware precisely controls the thermal range in which the individual 18650 cells are allowed to fluctuate through, which extends service life of the battery pack and allows for faster charging and discharge speeds.
When we started the design process, we quickly understood that cell surface cooling wasn’t enough to effectively bring down temperatures to a safe range while ultra-fast charging. Additionally, extensive design time went into creating a thermal cooling system that is inexpensive and light for small to mid-scale vehicles. Electric motorcycles and other small scale EVs don’t have the luxury of space like electric cars and busses.Chris Riether, VP of Engineering
Evoke plans to release their Gen 2 Battery Packs for internal use on its vehicles, starting with Project Kruzer, then offer its ultra-fast charging technology in partnerships with other OEMs.