EEA: increase in EU GHG emissions, mostly due to transport, hampers progress towards 2030 targets
Stanford team develops efficient electrochemical cells for CO2 conversion

Euro Parliament Environment Committee proposes higher target for zero-emissions HDVs, adds buses

Earlier this month, members of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee proposed a higher target (35%) than the European Commission (30%) for new heavy-duty trucks to reduce EU greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, with an intermediate target of 20% by 2025.

Manufacturers will also have to ensure that zero- and low-emission vehicles (which emit at least 50% less) represent a 20% market share of the sales of new cars and vans by 2030, and 5% in 2025.

Environment Committee MEPs also added urban buses to the scope of the proposal, and proposed that 50% of new buses should be electric from 2025 and 75% should be electric by 2030. Zero-emission buses are already available on the market and their use is encouraged through measures to increase demand such as public procurement, they said.

Before 2020, the European Commission should come up with plans for a real-world CO2 emissions test for on-road emissions, and third-party independent testing of vehicles in use and on road should also be introduced, said MEPs.

The MEPs acknowledged that a transition towards zero-emission mobility requires changes throughout the automotive value chain, with possible negative social impacts. The EU should therefore promote workers in the sector learning new skills and reallocating, particularly in regions and communities most affected by the transition. The MEPs also advocated support for European battery manufacturing.

Transport is the only major sector in the EU where greenhouse gas emissions are still rising, said the MEPs. In order to meet the commitments made at COP21 in 2015, the decarbonization of the entire transport sector needs to be accelerated, on the path towards zero-emission by mid-century.

The full House is to vote on the report during November’s plenary session in Strasbourg.



Meanwhile, In U.S. news: GM says when should start getting serious about EVs in about 2021, with Government assistance of course.

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