Dearman, Air Products unveil new liquid nitrogen refueller
10 December 2018
Clean cold experts Dearman and industrial gas supplier Air Products have unveiled a new refueller to complement the Dearman transport refrigeration unit (TRU). (Earlier post.)
The Dearman TRU is powered by liquid nitrogen and seeks to displace incumbent diesel TRUs. The refueller can be quickly installed at distribution depots planning to take up Dearman TRUs.
The new liquid nitrogen refueller works just like a diesel pump—meaning drivers do not need to learn unfamiliar practices. Users just connect the nozzle, simply press a button and the dispenser does the rest, stopping automatically when the Dearman TRU tank is full. A full refuels takes less than ten minutes.
The Dearman TRU has already been deployed in the fleets of Sainsbury’s, Unilever and Marks & Spencer.
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Posted by: Arun karan | 01 January 2019 at 10:11 PM