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Alpiq and H2 Energy partner on hydrogen production plant in Switzerland; to support Hyundai fuel cell trucks

Switzerland’s first system for the commercial production of hydrogen is planned at the Gösgen hydropower plant.

The 2 MW system is to be constructed by Hydrospider, which is owned in equal shares by Alpiq and H2 Energy. The system is to be constructed on the left bank of the Aare canal.

Hydrospider intends to produce climate-friendly hydrogen in Gösgen using electricity from 100 percent hydropower to power the first 50 of a total of 1,600 fuel cell trucks, which Hyundai Hydrogen Mobility, a joint venture between Hyundai Motors and H2 Energy, will bring onto Swiss roads by 2025.

In May 2018, seven major Swiss companies founded the H2 Mobility Switzerland Association with the aim of actively and commercially promoting environmentally friendly hydrogen-electric mobility in Switzerland. The association now has 15 members. The fleet of Hyundai fuel cell trucks will be used primarily by the members of the H2 Mobility Switzerland Association in everyday activity.

Member companies are: Agrola AG; AVIA Vereinigung; Camion Transport AG; Coop; Coop Mineralöl AG; Emil Frey Group; fenaco Genossenschaft; F. Murpf AG; Galliker AG; G. Leclerc Transport AG; Migrol AG; Migros-Genossenschaftsbund; Shell New Fuels; SOCAR Energy Switzerland; and Tamoil SA.



Another mini-step towards future H2 economy based on clean H2 from clean REs.

Our province with a current hugh surplus of clean very low cost at about 2.25 cents USD/kWh, Hydro/Wind REs could do a lot more to promote the new H2 economy?

We need politicians and investors with more/better vision.

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