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In US, more than half of children typically travel to school via private vehicle

In the US, more than 50 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 traveled to school in 2017, according to the 2017 National Household Travel Survey (NHTS). More than half (54.2%) were driven to school in a private vehicle, while 33.2% typically traveled by school bus.

The distance from home to school is a large factor in choosing mode of travel. More than 80% of children in homes less than 0.25 miles from school and more than half of those 0.25–0.5 miles from school typically walked, instead of being driven or riding a school bus.


Children’s travel to school by mode and distance in 2017. Mode includes private vehicle, school bus, walk/bike, transit, and other. Distance ranges from less than .25 miles to over 2 miles.
Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA News Brief: Children’s Travel to School, March 2019. Chart: DOE.



Bad news unless e-vehicles are used?

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