USDOT announces $84.9M through Lo-No program to expand advanced bus technologies
Dana to provide e-propulsion system for Class 8 truck hydrogen fuel development project in Alberta, Canada

Canada ZEV sales up 30% in 1H 2019 after launch of federal incentive program

Sales of all zero-emission vehicles in Canada for the first six months of 2019 are up 30% compared with last year. Zero-emission vehicles represented roughly 3% of all new, light-duty vehicles sold in the first half of 2019, compared to roughly 2% during the same period in 2018.

Since 1 May 2019, Canadians who purchase or lease an eligible battery electric, hydrogen fuel cell, or longer range plug-in hybrid vehicle, will receive an incentive of $5,000. Canadians who purchase or lease a shorter-range plug-in hybrid vehicle will receive an incentive of $2,500.

To support the transition to a low-carbon transportation system, the Government of Canada has set sales targets for new zero-emission vehicles in Canada. The government has several measures in place to help meet these targets, including the Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles program, which provides incentives for people and businesses to purchase or lease zero-emission vehicles.

Sales targets for new zero-emission vehicles in Canada: 10% of new light-duty vehicle sales by to zero-emission vehicles by 2025, 30% by 2030, and 100% by 2040.

More than 14,000 purchases or leases have been made to date through the Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles program, which launched three months ago.

Canada is committed to working with like-minded jurisdictions and is now a member of the International Zero-Emission Vehicle Alliance, an international group of governments joining forces to accelerate the adoption of zero-emission vehicles. This follows the June 2019 agreement between Canada and California on advancing clean vehicles and fuels, which includes working together to analyze measures to help achieve zero-emission vehicle sales targets.



Good early results and valuable objectives to accelerated transition from ICEVs to BEVs/FCEVs.

Many Provinces add another subsidy (up to $8K depending on battery size). Unfortunately, the new Ontario and Alberta governments will stop subsidies for electrified vehicles in favor of ICEVs and the Oil and Gas industries.

It is a strange country?

Juan Carlos Zuleta

@HarveyD It is not a strange country. It is simply a country run by different economic interests. In this connection, one question we need to ask ourselves is what group of provinces will prevail? That adding subsidies to incentivize adoption of EVs or that group stopping them?

Christos Dimou

Different energy mixes in the grid different policies. Hydro and other renewable rich provinces will push for electrification. Others based on fracking gas or oil sands will not.

Weather conditions and population density also affect decisions. A sparcly populated province has not as much to gain from electrification as a densly populated province that has a lot to gain from moving smog out of urban areas.

Politics has always been, is and will be the result of compromises.


Unfortunately, polluting industries and products (1) coal-oil-gas-cattle-cement etc) are overly subsidized versus areas with more developed (2) clean Hydro/Wind/Solar e-energy.

People living in the (1) areas have been influenced (brain washed) not to believe in GHGs and climate changes but to concentrate on shorth term $$$ benefits.

People living in the (2) areas are normally better informed of the hazards of pollution and GHGs and will have more of a tendency to use electrified vehicles and cleaner Hydro/Wind/Solar REs.

By 2030 or so, the majority in areas (1) will also start to believe that pollution & GHGs from CPPs, NGPPs, ICEVs, cattle, cement factory etc is not good for them and other living creatures.

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