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California ARB announces grant solicitation for Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) announced a competitive grant solicitation for one or more grantees to implement the Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-19. This solicitation includes an option for new Grant Agreements for fiscal years FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21, if additional funds become available.

The current funding available for the FY 2018-19 Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Program is $10 million.

This solicitation is open to California public school districts and County Offices of Education that operate at least one school serving from kindergarten up to 12th grade, located in a disadvantaged community. The Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project grant offers school communities an opportunity to showcase their ability to create meaningful spaces that inspire future generations, realize impactful air quality improvements, and develop real solutions to the climate crisis.

CARB’s vision for the Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project is to support transformative, synergistic emissions reduction strategies for transportation options within a school(s) located in a disadvantaged community.

The project’s goal is to increase the visibility of, and accessibility to, zero-emission transportation options by placing various commercially-available zero-emission technologies, along with the supporting charging/fueling infrastructure, in one or more schools.

In addition, the program intends to provide a platform to test clean, shared mobility concepts, assess key factors in developing viable and sustainable local projects, share the stories and lessons learned, and build a knowledge base to apply these lessons to future, larger-scale projects at other school districts throughout the State.

In October 2018, CARB approved the FY 2018-19 Funding Plan for Clean Transportation Incentives, which allocates $275 million for light-duty vehicle and transportation equity investments, including $10 million in funding for the Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project.

Clean Mobility in Schools Pilot Project is part of the Low Carbon Transportation Investments as part of the California Climate Investments (CCI), a statewide program that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment, particularly in disadvantaged communities.

At least 35% of these investments are located within, and benefit residents of, disadvantaged communities, low-income communities, and low-income households across California.


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