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NY Governor announces $20M available for diesel truck and bus replacement program

New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that more than $20 million is available for a diesel truck and bus replacement program. A combination of more than $9 million from the state’s $127.7-million portion of the federal Volkswagen settlement and the New York State Department of Transportation’s allocation of approximately $11 million in federal funds will provide new funding for the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program to permanently remove older, polluting diesel trucks from New York’s roadways and replace them with new, cleaner trucks, including all-electric trucks.

Funding will also be available for replacing buses in certain geographic areas.

The Truck Voucher Incentive Program provides point of sale rebates to reduce the cost for businesses and municipalities that want to purchase new, clean electric vehicles or repower commercial trucks and buses. The rebate reduces the incremental costs of purchasing clean trucks and buses by up to 95%.revp

This renewal of the Truck Voucher Incentive Program represents the first use of Volkswagen settlement funding in New York State as outlined in Clean Transportation NY.

The Truck Voucher Incentive Program will continue to be administered by NYSERDA as part of a partnership with DOT and DEC. The new funding will build on the successes achieved through previous funding that was available from 2014 through 2018 and provided incentives for the purchase of more than 600 new medium- and heavy-duty alternative-fueled trucks, including 65 all-electric trucks and buses.

DEC and NYSERDA are also developing additional Truck Voucher Incentive Program components to provide additional funding for other vehicle categories (e.g., all-electric transit buses, all-electric school buses, all-electric cargo handling equipment) consistent with Clean Transportation NY. In addition, another $11 million from the Volkswagen settlement will be made available in the future for additional investments in cleaner trucks.


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