Volkswagen receives Advanced Award from Euro NCAP for traffic hazard alert Car2X function; based on Wi-Fi p
20 March 2020
The Euro NCAP consortium has given an Advanced Award for ground-breaking safety features to the new Volkswagen Golf’s Car2X traffic hazard alert technology. The German automotive association ADAC tested the new technology and declared it a “technical milestone”.
The new Golf is the first car on the European market to come standard-equipped with Car2X technology which is based on the Wi-Fi p wireless standard. This type of Wi-Fi is specifically tailored to local communication between vehicles and does not use the mobile phone network.
Wi-Fi p (IEEE 802.11p) is an approved amendment to the IEEE 802.11 standard to add wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE). The standard defines enhancements to 802.11 required to support Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications. This includes data exchange between high-speed vehicles and between the vehicles and the roadside infrastructure (V2X), in the licensed ITS band of 5.9 GHz (5.85–5.925 GHz). (Earlier post.)
It provides blanket coverage within the limits of the system. Within a radius of up to 800 meters, connected vehicles directly exchange positioning data and information with one another. This allows them to warn each other of danger or make contact with the traffic infrastructure within a matter of milliseconds.
The German automotive association ADAC tested Volkswagen’s Car2X technology, during which it sent the new Golf into eight typical hazardous situations in which a driver, without being warned, would not be able to react at all, or would only be able to react much later.
In all eight situations, the vehicle warned the driver reliably and in time, often even 10 or 11 seconds before the impending accident. ADAC assessed Volkswagen’s new technology (certified by TÜV), declaring it a “technical milestone”, comparable to systems such as ABS or airbags.
In the initial development stage, which Volkswagen is introducing with the new Golf, Car2X technology is active at speeds above 80 km/h. In future, it should also be able to improve safety in city traffic. It also offers major advantages if the car communicates with nearby traffic lights—in this way being better able to control traffic flow and protect the environment.
Car2X technology facilitates swarm intelligence in a local environment and improves as more and more participants connect. For this reason, Volkswagen is now rolling it out on a broad scale: After the Golf, other new models of the brand will feature the technology as standard. Other car manufacturers are also working on this topic.
The Euro NCAP Advanced Award recognizes ground-breaking safety features. It was introduced in 2010 but has not been awarded since 2014. Volkswagen has now received the award five times for its innovative driver assist and safety systems. The award for the traffic hazard alert function using Car2X technology now takes the already impressive safety performance of the new Golf to the next level. Indeed, the compact car received the top score of five stars in the traditional Euro NCAP test at the end of 2019. The Euro NCAP organization intends to incorporate Car2X technology into this rating in future.