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Ricardo Software 2020.1 release heralds brings new approach to transmission design

The latest 2020.1 release of powertrain design and optimization software from Ricardo encompasses a new approach to the design and optimization of transmission systems for all types of vehicle—including the latest hybrid and pure battery electric concepts, along with a wealth of new features and capabilities.

The 2020.1 Ricardo Software release marks the completion of the Ricardo transmission analysis solution, which provides a seamless toolchain—based on the SABR, FEARCE and VALDYN products—enabling engineers to optimize systems intended for all types of vehicles, including the complex systems required for hybrid powertrains.

This toolchain now provides a comprehensive virtual product development environment enabling the creation of designs offering improved fuel economy, better shift quality and driveability, and—increasingly important for pure-electric vehicles—optimized NVH characteristics.

This toolchain, which is available with the 2020.1 release, enables all of these functional benefits while also offering the potential for much shorter transmission development timescales.

Elsewhere, the 2020.1 release provides the benefits of recent development effort in improving the fatigue life calculation for structures in FEARCE and improving the implementation and calculation speed of the German research association of mechanical engineering (Forschungskuratorium Maschinenbau) FKM method.

In the fluid simulation products, the VECTIS computational fluid dynamics product is further enhanced in the 2020.1 release with improved combustion physics and solver enhancements for better applicability to a wider range of simulation challenges. This has included support for sub-domains, including porous media, which enables the user to model heat exchangers, radiators and aftertreatment devices. Spray models within VECTIS are now also compatible with sub-domains so that the user can simulate rain and other particles in under-hood simulations.

Ricardo’s WAVE engine performance and gas dynamics simulation product is also further improved, particularly in the faster than real-time WAVE-RT version. Increased integration enables users of competitor commercial products to import their models into WAVE and WAVE-RT much more rapidly and efficiently than before.


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