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Monthly changes in key transportation indexes

Developed and periodically updated by Michael Sivak, Sivak Applied Research.
Last updated on December 9, 2024.
The new values since the previous update are in blue.

The changes are in percent relative to the corresponding month in 2019. They are adjusted for population (all but price of gasoline) and for inflation (price of gasoline).

Month-year Road Air Rail Public transit
Sales of LDVs[a] Price of gasoline Vehicle miles Passenger miles[b] Passenger miles Unlinked trips
Jan-2020 0 +11 +5 +5 0 +5
Feb-2020 +4 +3 +2 +3 -4 +2
Mar-2020 -38 -13 -17 -51 -55 -40
Apr-2020 -46 -34 -40 -96 -93 -80
May-2020 -30 -35 -23 -90 -88 -77
Jun-2020 -27 -24 -12 -80 -79 -68
Jul-2020 -12 -21 -10 -72 -76 -63
Aug-2020 -20 -18 -8 -69 -75 -62
Sep-2020 +5 -17 -5 -65 -70 -61
Oct-2020 +2 -19 -6 -62 -70 -62
Nov-2020 -15 -20 -9 -60 -74 -62
Dec-2020 +6 -15 -11 -62 -78 -61
Jan-2021 -3 0 -9 -59 -73 -63
Feb-2021 -5 +4 -10 -57 -71 -63
Mar-2021 -1 +7 -4 -44 -68 -59
Apr-2021 +14 -2 -9 -34 -63 -59
May-2021 -1 -1 -4 -25 -55 -57
Jun-2021 -14 +6 -2 -16 -39 -49
Jul-2021 -9 +8 -2 -10 -33 -49
Aug-2021 -34 +13 -3 -15 -34 -49
Sep-2021 -20 +15 0 -14 -34 -45
Oct-2021 -22 +17 -2 -12 -28 -46
Nov-2021 -28 +21 -1 -6 -24 -43
Dec-2021 -21 +19 -5 -13 -31 -43
Jan-2022 -13 +32 -5 -20 -44 -49
Feb-2022 -17 +36 0 -10 -40 -42
Mar-2022 -22 +48 -1 -7 -32 -39
Apr-2022 -8 +30 -8 -4 -27 -41
May-2022 -31 +36 -2 -6 -22 -40
Jun-2022 -25 +57 -3 -8 -17 -35
Jul-2022 -20 +44 -5 -9 -16 -39
Aug-2022 -31 +31 -2 -8 -16 -36
Sep-2022 -12 +24 +2 0 -14 -33
Oct-2022 -12 +25 -2 -2 -11 -36
Nov-2022 -20 +23 -2 -1 -13 -32
Dec-2022 -17 +9 -6 -9 -20 -34
Jan-2023 -9 +25 0 +1 -14 -32
Feb-2023 -10 +23 +1 +2 -10 -31
Mar-2023 -15 +14 -1 -1 -13 -30
Apr-2023 1 +8 -8 +1 -10 -34
May-2023 -15 +5 0 0 -15 -29
Jun-2023 -11 +10 -1 -1 -11 -28
Jul-2023 -8 +10 -2 0 -9 -33
Aug-2023 -21 +22 0 -2 -9 -28
Sep-2023 +4 +24 +2 +5 +1 -27
Oct-2023 -11 +15 -1 +5 +2 -29
Nov-2023 -13 +7 0 +6 +2 -26
Dec-2023 -5 +3 -5 -3 -8 -27
Jan-2024 -8 +12 -2 +3 -3 -27
Feb-2024 -7 +13 -1 +5 +4 -26
Mar-2024 -12 +11 -1 +4 +7 -26
Apr-2024 -2 +5 -7 +4 -1 -27
May-2024 -11 +3 +1 +5 -1 -25
Jun-2024 -15 +4 -2 +5 -4 -27
Jul-2024 -10 +4 -2 +4 -10 -28
Aug-2024 -15 +5 +1 +2 -2 -27
Sep-2024 -10 +1 +1      
Oct-2024 -1 -3        
Nov-2024 -5          
[a] Light duty vehicles (cars and light trucks)
[b] Domestic


Sources of the underlying data:

Bureau of Economic Analysis (sales of cars and light trucks)
Energy Information Administration (price of gasoline)
Federal Highway Administration (road vehicle miles)
Bureau of Transportation Statistics (air passenger miles, rail passenger miles, and public transit unlinked trips)
Census Bureau (population)
Bureau of Labor Statistics (Consumer Price Index)

Data for recent months are occasionally updated in the underlying data sources, possibly resulting in small changes to recent values.


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