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2020 NGVAmerica Industry Summit moves to virtual format this October

NGVAmerica is moving its Annual Industry Summit—NGV20—to an online format for Fall 2020 due to national health and travel concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Powered by the vFairs platform, the virtual conference will be held live online 20-22 October from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET daily.

NGVAmerica’s Industry Summit is the only dedicated natural gas in transportation alternative fuels conference and conversation focused on the North American market.

Registration for the virtual sessions is open at; anyone with internet access and either a computer, tablet or mobile device will be able access the live program with an individualized link shared post-registration.

All sessions will be live recorded and catalogued for on demand viewing by all registered attendees for up to 30 days post conference.

Who should attend? All NGV stakeholders, including industry executives and sustainability officers, finance principals, vehicle and equipment manufacturers and service suppliers, utility and LDC leaders, logistics personnel and fleet managers, government professionals, and market developers, including RNG facility operators.

On-road, off-road and everything in between will be featured, from traditional freight, refuse, and transit applications to growing marine, rail, and construction use. The event will report market trends, study the growing use and impact of biomethane (renewable natural gas, RNG), as a transportation fuel, and evaluate public policy trends in order to overcome barriers and grow NGV adoption.

The three-session program will be organized around daily themes of Market, Sustainability, and Public Policy.


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