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NETL to award $13M to GTI and partners to advance carbon capture technology

GTI and partners, The Ohio State University, Wyoming Integrated Test Center (ITC), and Trimeric Corporation (Trimeric), have been selected for award on a project to advance Ohio State’s transformational membrane technology to provide step-out reductions in CO2 capture cost and energy penalties.

The US Department of Energy National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE-NETL) is expected to provide $13 million in funding for the $16.25-million project, with partners contributing the additional financial support. The team will fabricate the membrane and membrane modules, design and build an engineering-scale CO2 capture system, conduct tests on coal flue gas, and gather data for further process scale-up.

The project, Engineering Scale Design and Testing of Transformational Membrane Technology for CO2 Capture (earlier post), will advance Ohio State’s patented membrane technology from highly successful bench-scale DOE projects for the development of CO2 selective membranes. It seeks to achieve DOE’s Transformational Carbon Capture performance goal of CO2 capture with 95% CO2 purity at a cost of $30/tonne or less.

GTI and Ohio State will jointly lead the project, overseeing design and testing of the CO2 capture system. By employing a facilitated transport mechanism for CO2 separation, the membrane can achieve high selectivity and high permeance for CO2 separation from flue gas, resulting in the potential for low capture cost.

The integrated capture system will be tested on coal flue gas at the ITC to demonstrate continuous, steady-state operation for a minimum of two months to generate the data necessary for further process scale-up. Techno-economic analysis will be performed by Trimeric to quantify performance and economics and verify achievement of the DOE’s cost and performance targets.

This project seeks to advance the technology from current Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5 to TRL 6, validating an engineering-scale prototypical system in a relevant environment.


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