Ampcera announces internal battery heating architecture for fast-charging solid-state batteries
14 April 2021
Ampcera Inc., a developer of solid electrolyte technologies for advanced electric vehicle batteries (earlier post), announced a new, low-cost, energy-efficient internal heating battery architecture that directly targets the solid electrolyte separator, the key component in solid-state batteries.
This novel technology enables solid-state batteries to deliver superior performance, including starting and operating in cold weather, charging ultra-fast and safely, and increasing power rate and energy efficiency in next-generation electric vehicles.
Ampcera says that due to the novel solid-state battery design, the ionic conductivity of the solid-state electrolyte is increased by more than 10 times when needed while keeping the battery operating continuously at ambient temperature. Further, interface resistance between the solid electrolyte and positive and negative electrodes is significantly diminished.
The combination of enhanced conductivity and reduced interface resistance enables solid-state batteries to be rapidly charged in a few minutes.
Ampcera’s technology portfolio includes high performance solid-state electrolytes, scalable manufacturing processes, and innovative solid-state battery designs. We are very excited to announce this new technology for ultra-fast charging of solid-state batteries. The next step is to incorporate this technology into all-solid-state battery cells for further performance testing by Ampcera and our automotive OEM partners.
—Dr. Hui Du, co-founder and CTO of Ampcera
Currently commercially available Ampcera solid-state electrolyte materials include sulfides (e.g. Argyrodite, LGPS, LPS, LSPS, etc.), garnet-structure oxides (e.g. LLZO with various dopants), NASICON-type phosphates (LAGP and LATP).
Ampcera projects that by 2025, its solid-state electrolyte and battery technologies will achieve less than 10-minute ultra-fast charge and gravimetric and volumetric energy densities of 450 Wh/kg and 1400 Wh/L, respectively. Using scaled manufacturing processes for mass production, a competitive battery cost of less than $75 per kilowatt hour could be achieved.
If they can achieve 450 Wh/Kg and 10 minute charging for $75/kWh and also have a reasonable cycle life, this will allow for reasonable battery electric over-the-road trucks, regional aircraft, etc.
Posted by: sd | 14 April 2021 at 06:48 PM