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Chang’an study examines benefits of CTL F-T diesel blends on combustion and emissions

Researchers at Chang’an University in China investigated the effect of blends of Fischer-Tropsch (F-T) diesel fuel from indirect coal-to-liquid (CTL) and petroleum diesel fuel on combustion and emission characteristics under various injection timing (IT) and engine loads. A report on their work is published in the journal Fuel.

The common-rail diesel engine was fueled with pure petrochemical diesel (D100), F-T diesel blended in petrochemical diesel by volume of 30% (D70F30) and 60% (D40F60).

Among their findings:

  • D70F30 and D40F60 have obviously lower heat release rate in premixed combustion.

  • D70F30 and D40F60 present a shorter ignition delay than D100.

  • The two blends have a slightly smaller cycle variation than D100 in most conditions.

  • Blending F-T diesel can clearly reduce combustion noise at low and partial loads.

  • Blending F-T diesel with petrochemical diesel can alleviate the NOx-soot trade-off. Although NOx emissions of two blends are only slight reduced, soot emissions are significantly reduced.


  • Panpan Cai, Chunhua Zhang, Zheng Jing, Yiwen Peng, Jiale Jing, Hongjie Sun (2021) “Effects of Fischer-Tropsch diesel blending in petrochemical diesel on combustion and emissions of a common-rail diesel engine,” Fuel, Volume 305, doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121587



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