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Toyota launches 3-wheeled battery-electric scooter for walking areas

In Japan, Toyota is introducing the C+walkT, a three-wheeled electric scooter designed for walking areas. The C+walkT features a low, flat base just 150 mm high for easy boarding and alighting. It is designed so that it is comfortable to use in walking areas, facilitating side-by-side travel and communication with fellow pedestrians.


In addition to being environmentally friendly, the vehicle takes up a similar amount of space as a single person, and travels at typical human walking speeds. The C+walkT is also equipped with obstacle detection functions that help avoid collisions with obstacles or pedestrians ahead.

Accelerator levers on either side of the C+walkT steering wheel can be used to control departure, acceleration, deceleration, and stopping. Simply squeeze the lever to accelerate, and release the lever to come to a stop. Brake levers situated on either side of the steering wheel can be used to provide greater deceleration when required, while pressing the reverse button enables the vehicle to reverse.

The removable lithium-ion battery can be fully charged in approximately 2.5 hours using the included AC 100 V charging device.

The C+walkT uses in-wheel motors: a brushless DC motor is located in the front wheel, enabling smooth acceleration, deceleration, and turning. At typical human walking speeds, the vehicle is capable of traveling approximately 14 km on a single battery charge.

The vehicle has one front wheel and two rear wheels. When its steering wheel is turned a maximum of 90 degrees, the vehicle is capable of on-the-spot turning, with a minimum turning radius of just 0.59 m.

In terms of potential corporate usage scenarios, the C+walkT can be used to travel across large-scale facilities or to ease the burden of walking on elderly users engaged in security work, and can also be used on activity tours that take place inside parks and other facilities.

In addition, with growing numbers of amendments being made to applicable laws and regulations, the C+walkT can also be expected to be cleared for use on public roads in the future; in this case, the vehicle will be able to provide support to people who find it hard to walk long distances, and contribute to expanding their spheres of activity.

Toyota is also currently developing seated-type and wheelchair-linked-type models in the C+walk series, with a view to their future commercialization.



I'd love to see those here in Bristol as an older person's alternative to the two wheelers that younger people balance on and which are available on stands around the city for £5 for a day.

Anything which gets people out of their cars, and away from the absurd notion that a car weighing thousands of kilos with hundreds of kilos of batteries and immense acceleration unsuitable for sharing the roads with the public is in some way ecological.

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