CARB report finds California hydrogen fueling network could likely be self-sustaining within a decade with some additional state support
Eni launching sustainable aviation fuel production

High-power battery company secures $50M investment commitment from GEM Corporation secured a $50-million investment commitment from GEM Global Yield LLC SCS, a $3.4-billion, Luxembourg-based private alternative investment group. MOBIUS will use the funds to scale-up battery module production to support electric aircraft customers through a subscription model including maintenance and salvage services.

GEM will provide MOBIUS with a Share Subscription Facility of up to $50 million for a 36-month term following a public listing, which will allow MOBIUS to draw down funds by issuing shares of common stock to GEM. MOBIUS will control the timing and maximum amount of drawdowns under this facility and has no minimum drawdown obligation.

MOBIUS has issued warrants to GEM, exercisable upon public listing, to purchase up to 3% of the common stock of the company. With certainty of the investment upon listing, MOBIUS has begun to lay the foundation for becoming a public company via SPAC merger or a traditional IPO process.

This agreement will accelerate the commercialization of our cutting-edge battery module with industry leading performance providing both high energy density and high power. We plan to demonstrate that our battery module can enable the first ever full range flight with full payload of electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft (VTOL), a necessary step for certification and commercial deployment. This demonstration flight will be a critical milestone in our path toward public listing.

—Eugene Choi, MOBIUS CEO

The company is preparing the first module delivery to customers developing hybrid electric conventional take-off and landing (CTOL) aircraft and all electric VTOL aircraft. MOBIUS will focus on achieving aviation certification in 2022 and scale up production in 2023.

MOBIUS’ standard product—the Husky 2P45e module—can power many different types of electric aircrafts: all-electric, hybrid-electric, VTOL, CTOL, and others.


Standardization is the key to establish safe and efficient operation of electric aircrafts as well as cost efficient re-use and recycling of used batteries. MOBIUS is committed to work with suppliers, partners, and customers for standardization of electric propulsion system to create a sustainable circular economy.



The bit they are not telling us here is how many cycles the battery is good for at these very high charging and discharging rates.


Seven C discharge rate helps EVTOLs


At 200 Wh/kg, they have a long way to go; many believe it will take twice this density to be a feasible aviation battery.

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Concerning Cycle Life and Energy Density. From the Agility Prime website (sponsored by the USAF and NASA).
Mobius’ battery module architecture is cell type agnostic and platform independent.
The current prototype achieved specific energy at 230 Wh/kg using the conventional 21700 cylindrical cells with a specific energy of 260 Wh/kg. Their battery design is a high energy density, fast charging (<10 minutes), rapid cooling, and a high cell-to-pack mass ratio of >0.8, enabled by a novel lightweight super thermal conductor (STC).

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