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20 airlines commit to use new technologies to minimize climate impact; Target True Zero

Twenty airline members of the World Economic Forum’s Target True Zero initiative committed to utilizing new technologies, such as electric, hydrogen and hybrid aircraft, to address the challenge of climate change. The development and delivery of novel propulsion technologies—powered by sustainable energy sources—were highlighted as key towards helping the aviation industry minimize its environmental impact.

The adoption of these technologies into the global fleet—through either new aircraft design or the retrofitting of conventional aircraft—can help reduce the climate impact of our operations while preserving the immense economic and social benefits that aviation brings to the world.

—Target True Zero statement

The signatory airlines—Aero; Air New Zealand; Air Nostrum; Alaska Airlines; Amelia; ASL Aviation Holdings; Braathens Regional Airlines; easyJet; Finistair; Icelandair; Iskwew Air; Loganair; Mokulele; Ravn Alaska; SoundsAir; Southern Airways Express; Surf Air Mobility; Viva Aerobus; Waltzing Matilda Aviation; Xwing—operate more than 800 aircraft and carry more than 177 million passengers on 1.8 million flights a year and hope to use this influence to create market demand for new types of aircraft.

Key commitments:

  • Short-haul flights first. Shorter range flights were recognized as most likely to employ novel propulsion first. The signatories committed to working towards 30% of aircraft, that serve routes of 750 km or less, that are added to their fleets from 2030 onwards employ novel propulsion technologies.

  • Scaling the technology in the future. The airlines also committed to decarbonizing longer range aircraft, once this becomes technologically and economically viable.

  • Partnership. The signatories called on aerospace manufactures to prioritize innovation that will allow them to meet these goals.

  • Public-private cooperation. The Target True-Zero airlines also urged governments to do their part in supporting the transition to cleaner aviation. Key calls included establishing policies to provide incentives for operators to adopt these technologies and addressing the infrastructure issues needed to support their use in airports across the world.

The Target True Zero initiative will address the role novel propulsion technologies like electric and hydrogen aviation can play in the transition to an aviation system with true zero climate impacts. It will address issues in the areas of technology, industry dynamics, infrastructure and supply chain, regulation, and public acceptance.

—Timothy Reuter, Head of Aerospace and Drones, of the World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum launched the Target True Zero Initiative in July 2021. The Initiative aims to develop understanding about how novel propulsion technology can help address aviation’s climate impacts and how the deployment and scaling of these technologies can be accelerated.



OK, short haul first - reasonable.
You really need something like a shorter range ATR42 or 72 to make an impact.
Dublin - London (450 km) is a reasonable goal.
Dublin - Manchester (280 km) and take the train from there.
Dublin - Paris 780 km - bit of a stretch.

The airlines also committed to decarbonizing longer range aircraft, "once this becomes technologically and economically viable."
i.e. quite a cop out (thankfully).

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