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Gaussin partnering with TGO to test hydrogen-powered terminal tractor

Gaussin and Terminal du Grand Ouest (TGO), concessionaire and sole operator of the Montoir-based Multipurpose Cargo and Container Terminal (MCCT) near Saint- Nazaire, France, are partnering to test a hydrogen-powered heavy-duty terminal tractor. These full-scale tests will take place at the Montoir container terminal in spring 2022.

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A Gaussin APM H2 75T will be tested at the Montoir container terminal.

With a power of 230 kW, the Gaussin APM H2 75T tractor will be able to tow 75T of goods and will consume about 10 kilos of hydrogen per day. The vehicle is based on Gaussin’s modular vehicle architecture; the APM 75T is also available in a battery-electric configuration using the “Powerpack Full Elec” rather than the “Powerpack Fuel Cell/H2”.

This partnership is part of the action led by the NEOPOLIA network of companies, which brings together 240 industrialists in the Pays de la Loire region, including TGO. NEOPOLIA aims to test in real conditions a hydrogen port tractor, used for container transport, while TGO has implemented a strong environmental policy and wishes to continue its approach by studying alternatives to NRD (Non-Road Diesel).

This action is part of the H2 Loire Vallée (H2LV) project, which aims to:

  • Test a zero-emission port vehicle in real conditions;

  • Optimize its operation in an intensive and diversified logistic use;

  • Evaluate the reaction of users to a new product;

  • Invite neighboring port and industrial players to try it out, in order to raise awareness and act collectively; and

  • To be the demonstration site of an innovation for a potential wider replicability with the CMA-CGM and Maritime-Kuhn groups, shareholders of TGO.



Title is a bit misleading as they also make a battery electric only terminal tractor. Not sure why anyone would want the hydrogen fuel cell version. Using hydrogen for this application is just an expensive nuisance. Just in the past week, Cummins announced a new battery electric powertrain with fast charging for this application


and Volvo Penta with TICO also announced a prototype battery electric terminal tractor.


Plus Orange has been building battery electric terminal tractors in the US for several years now.

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