IEA issues 10-point plan to cut oil use
20 March 2022
In the face of the emerging global energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the countervailing barrage of economic sanctions, the International Energy Agency (IEA) is proposing a 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use. IEA claims that its plan would lower oil demand by 2.7 million barrels a day within four months—equivalent to the oil demand of all the cars in China.
This would significantly reduce potential strains at a time when a large amount of Russian supplies may no longer reach the market and the peak demand season of July and August is approaching. The measures would have an even greater effect if adopted in part or in full in emerging economies as well.
The new report also includes recommendations for decisions to be taken now by governments and citizens to transition from the short-term emergency actions included in the 10-Point Plan to sustained measures that would put countries’ oil demand into a structural decline consistent with a pathway towards net zero emissions by 2050.
Advanced economies account for almost half of global oil demand. Many of them, including the largest energy consumers, are required as members of the IEA to have oil demand restraint plans ready as part of their emergency response measures.
The 10-Point Plan:
Reduce speed limits on highways by at least 10 km/h. Impact: Saves around 290 kb/d of oil use from cars, and an additional 140 kb/d from trucks
Work from home up to three days a week where possible. Impact: One day a week saves around 170 kb/d; three days saves around 500 kb/d.
Ban private cars in cities on Sunday. Impact: Every Sunday saves around 380 kb/d; one Sunday a month saves 95 kb/d.
Make the use of public transport cheaper and incentivize micromobility, walking and cycling. Impact: Saves around 330 kb/d.
Alternate private car access to roads in large cities (odd/even license plate policy for weekday access). Impact: Saves around 210 kb/d.
Increase car sharing and adopt practices to reduce fuel use. Impact: Saves around 470 kb/d.
Promote efficient driving for freight trucks and delivery of goods. Impact: Saves around 320 kb/d.
Using high-speed and night trains instead of planes where possible. Impact: Saves around 40 kb/d.
Avoid business air travel where alternative options exist. Impact: Saves around 260 kb/d.
Reinforce the adoption of electric and more efficient vehicles. Impact: Saves around 100 kb/d.
The IEA makes real eco dictatorship for citizens in democracies!
• My sensible suggestions that are immediately possible:
• End of pointless trade in goods with China by 50% - 100% immediately!
• Reducing the speed of trucks from 80km/h to 60km/h on motorways with the
requirement of up to 100% rail transport!
• Immediate ban on all "coaches" and thus passengers 100% train!
• Ban on all driving of tractors on roads!
• Ban on all flights of politicians and business people worldwide!
Posted by: Herman | 20 March 2022 at 02:55 AM
Carpooling should have started in the seventies
Posted by: SJC | 20 March 2022 at 11:29 AM
People still carpool in order to use HOV lanes. Maybe the fix is more HOV lanes.
Posted by: Engineer-Poet | 21 March 2022 at 11:30 AM