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Volvo Trucks introducing new safety system to protect cyclists and pedestrians

Volvo Trucks is introducing a new safety system to detect other road users entering the blind spot on both sides of the truck. The new safety system uses a dual radar on each side of the truck that detects when other road users enter the blind-spot area.


When someone is in the blind spot zone, the system, called Side Collision Avoidance Support, informs the driver via a red light on the relevant side mirror. If the driver indicates a lane change via the turn signal, the red light starts to flash and a warning sound emits from the side of the potential collision. The driver is alerted and can brake the truck, allowing, for example, a cyclist to pass.

The new system will be available globally on the Volvo FH, FM and FMX with diesel, gas and electric drivelines, starting in September this year. The Volvo FL and FE models will get the new safety system in 2023.


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