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DOE to award $47M to develop affordable clean hydrogen technologies in support of Hydrogen Shot

The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $47 million in funding (DE-FOA-0002920) to accelerate the research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) of affordable clean hydrogen technologies. Projects funded under this opportunity will reduce costs, enhance hydrogen infrastructure, and improve the performance of hydrogen fuel cells—advancing the Department’s Hydrogen Shot goal of reducing the cost of clean hydrogen to $1 per kilogram within a decade.

This funding opportunity, which is administered by DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO), focuses on RD&D of key hydrogen delivery and storage technologies as well as affordable and durable fuel cell technologies.

Fuel cell RD&D projects will focus particularly on applications for heavy-duty trucks, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and eliminate tailpipe emissions that are harmful to local air quality. Specific topics to be funded in this interest area are:

Topic 1: Hydrogen Carrier Development. This topic seeks applications for R&D of novel hydrogen carriers and hydrogen carrier hydrogenation/dehydrogenation catalysts and catalyst supports with the goal of providing quantitative cost and performance advantages over conventional compressed gas or liquid hydrogen systems. Hydrogen carriers are a unique storage and delivery medium that have the potential to enable efficient, compact, and low-cost transport, on-site generation, and storage of hydrogen across multiple sectors in the economy.

Carriers exhibit a wide range of properties and behaviors, allowing for the matching of different hydrogen-rich materials to the needs of a specific end use. Relevant end uses that address the overall performance needs, such as pressure, temperature, rates of hydrogen release, purity, and cost at scale, must be considered within the topic. One example of interest includes catalysts that are based on perovskite materials, or that use perovskite materials as catalyst supports. Such materials and other innovative concepts with potential to meet specific metrics are of interest and projects will be expected to collaborate with HFTO’s HyMARC consortium.

Topic 2: Onboard Storage Systems for Liquid Hydrogen. This topic solicits applications for the development of LH2 storage vessels and the required balance-of-plant hardware to enable low-cost, energy-dense LH2 storage onboard medium- and heavy-duty (MD/HD) transportation applications. Hydrogen fuel cell systems can offer benefits in MD/HD transportation, particularly for long-haul trucks, such as long driving ranges, short refueling times, and high payload capacities. However, to do so, significant quantities of hydrogen are required (e.g., 40 – 120 kg for long-haul trucks and several hundred kg for other heavy-duty applications such as off-road mining and construction vehicles). As LH2 has a considerably higher energy density compared to 700 bar compressed hydrogen gas, there is significant interest in the development of onboard LH2 storage systems. Analyses have shown the potential of LH2 systems to meet capacity requirements for MD/HD applications and achieve the storage cost target of less than or equal to $8/kWh.

Topic 3: Liquid Hydrogen Transfer/Fueling Components and Systems. This topic seeks applications to develop LH2 transfer and vehicular fueling technologies and approaches to enable high-flow LH2 transfers and/or LH2 fueling for MD and HD transportation applications. Hydrogen fueling stations for MD/HD fuel cell transportation applications, which encompass trucks, buses, off- road, marine, and rail, are expected to dispense tons of hydrogen per day. The large-scale storage and transfer of LH2 for such end-users requires the development of advanced LH2 transfer and fueling components and systems that address the challenges of hydrogen losses, materials compatibility, and safety while enabling fueling times comparable to incumbent technologies (i.e., liquid fuels). This will require much higher hydrogen flow rates, for instance over five times greater (at least 10 kg/min average) than those in current light-duty vehicle hydrogen fueling stations.

Topic 4: M2FCT: High Performing, Durable Membrane Electrode Assemblies for Medium- and Heavy-duty Applications. This topic solicits applications that, in coordination with DOE’s Million Mile Fuel Cell Truck (M2FCT) consortium, will develop membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) that will reduce the cost and enhance the durability and performance of proton-exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell stacks for MD/HD applications. R&D needs for both applications have been identified with industry, university, and national laboratory expert stakeholder input. The topic targets advances in MEAs to enable significant progress towards meeting 2030 system level HD truck targets of 25,000-hour durability and $80/kW system cost.

For all topic areas, DOE envisions awarding financial assistance awards in the form of cooperative agreements. The estimated period of performance for each award will be approximately two to four years. DOE encourages applicant teams that include stakeholders within academia, industry, and national laboratories across multiple technical disciplines. Teams are also encouraged to include representation from diverse entities such as minority-serving institutions, labor unions, community colleges, and other entities connected through Opportunity Zones.



Here are two conflicting evaluations of pumping hydrogen in existing infrastructure, so make of them what you will:

Obviously any report from NREL has to be taken seriously, and their evaluation seems to indicate that blending hydrogen in existing NG pipelines is somewhere between difficult and impossible.

OTOH, if that were the case, the engineers in the UK grid would have to be complete fools, as they reckon they are ready to go right now, and it should be borne in mind that some districts in Germany, for instance, already and for some years have transported up to something of the order of 10% hydrogen in the NG grid, whilst the old town gas (coal gas) was up to 50% hydrogen donkeys years ago.

I present both evaluations though, as I rather despise ' arguing a case' and even when evaluations are contrary to my own take like to cite their strongest case and most reputable evidence.

My own evaluation from past experience is that NREL does exactly the opposite, and loads all sorts of negative assumptions when hydrogen is mentioned.

It should also be noted that they talk primarily about the US grid, where the specs of the pipes etc are very different to in Europe.

But just the same, is anyone wants relatively credible and sourced materials to be 'agin hydrogen, here you go.

It is loads better than most of the sledging I read here, anyway! ;-)


".... and it should be borne in mind that some districts in Germany, for instance....."
It should also be borne in mind that these mentally deranged also made contracts with Putin for the delivery of NG. The results of such a praised feat are well known world-wide.



I do try to be patient, but what on earth do you imagine that has to do with the price of fish?


FYI, there are approx. 80 communities in Germany that are completely energy self-sufficient. They achieved this without any financial assistance from the ignorant leaders of the federal government who placed all their bets on gas from Putin. They concentrated their efforts on REs (wind, solar and bio gas.)
The presently rising energy prices are not effecting them in the least. Foresight is always better than hindsight. This applies to a H2 economy just as well; H2 BS is just another fairy tale from the Oil -Monopoly and their proponents to keep the broad public in their dependency so they can push business as usual.



Your mental processes are entirely mysterious to me.
Your original critique referenced NG contracts with Putin.

Now you have wandered off to areas where renewables are sufficient locally without recourse to transfers from other areas.

Yeah, sure, but the thing is that renewables are very dependent on the precise local conditions, climate, and population density etc.

And whatever you may imagine, there is absolutely no way at all that electricity plus batteries can cope with all power needs in Germany, whatever may be the case in areas closer to the equator.

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