DOE announces $14M to optimize production of affordable biofuels and biochemicals
DOE reports say cumulative investment in hydrogen, nuclear and long-duration energy storage must increase to $300B by 2030

ROSATOM and the Atomic Energy Agency of China sign long-term cooperation in fast reactors and nuclear fuel cycle

ROSATOM and the Atomic Energy Agency of China have signed a long-term cooperation in the areas of fast reactors and nuclear fuel cycle. The strategic Comprehensive Long-Term Cooperation Program was signed on March, 21, on the sidelines of the state visit of Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China, to Russia.

The document was signed by Alexey Likhachev, Director General of ROSATOM, and Zhang Kejian, the Chairman of the China Atomic Energy Authority.

The document covers several strategic areas at once: expansion of interaction with regard to the current projects as well as implementation of new ones related to fast reactors; production of uranium-plutonium fuel; management of spent nuclear fuel (SNF), etc.

The Comprehensive Program provides for development of a roadmap for its implementation by the end of 2024. This involves cooperation over the decades ahead and establishment of the nuclear power engineering development vectors at the global level.


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