SwRI designing safer, more effective hydrogen injectors for gas turbines
05 May 2023
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) is designing innovative hydrogen combustion systems for gas turbines used in power generation. The designs prevent flashback, a common concern in hydrogen-fueled combustion systems wherein the flame from the combustor travels into the nozzle, which can result in damaged equipment.
Hydrogen fuel has numerous benefits including the fact that it produces no carbon emissions during the combustion process. However, one of the things that is especially challenging is that it’s highly reactive, which makes it more difficult to work with than natural gas or the liquid fuels on which gas turbines typically run.
Southwest Research Institute is exploring the utilization of hydrogen fuel for gas turbines used in power generation. The designs include a nozzle that mixes air (dark blue in the image) and fuel (yellow in the image) rapidly. The designs can prevent flashback, a common concern in hydrogen-fueled power generation wherein the flame from the combustor travels into the nozzle, which can be dangerous and damaging to equipment.
With pure hydrogen fuel, traditional low emissions designs are highly susceptible to a damaging phenomenon known as flashback. This occurs when the flame in the combustor flashes back into the nozzle, which can be damaging to the equipment.
—Griffin Beck, manager of SwRI’s Propulsion and Energy Machinery section
To remedy this, SwRI is exploring novel ways to mix air and hydrogen within the nozzle while avoiding flashback. The designs, which also target very low nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions, were generated as part of a project supporting the development of a 100% hydrogen-fueled combustion system for an industrial gas turbine.
One of the reasons hydrogen is such an attractive alternative fuel is that it does not create carbon dioxide emissions, but it does create NOx. However, if the air and hydrogen are mixed efficiently in the nozzle, the NOx emissions are significantly lower.
—Griffin Beck
The nozzles work by mixing air with hydrogen fuel through small, perpendicular pathways. This design allows the air and hydrogen to mix rapidly before being forced out of the nozzle and into the combustor at flow rates that prevent flashback.
When the right amount of air and hydrogen are mixed very well, the amount of NOx emissions is very low. Also, the air and hydrogen are forced so quickly out of the nozzle that the flame in the combustor is unable to travel backwards.
—Griffin Beck
The design and analysis of the nozzles was accomplished by utilizing the extensive experience of staff within the Mechanical Engineering and Powertrain Engineering Divisions at SwRI. Members of the interdisciplinary team relied on computational fluid dynamics as well as machine-learning tools to generate, analyze and optimize the nozzle designs.
To solve this problem, we utilized the Institute’s computational and analytical tools to design and model this technology. The actual simulations we’ve been doing are extremely computationally intensive, requiring entire sections of our high-performance computing cluster for days to solve these computing problems. It’s allowed our engineers to take some unique ideas and apply them to this challenge.
—Griffin Beck