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DOE to award nearly $42M to 22 projects to advance clean hydrogen technologies

The US Department of Energy (DOE) will award nearly $42 million in funding for 22 projects to advance critical technologies for producing, storing, and deploying clean hydrogen. DOE also announced $17.8 million to establish a new North American university research consortium that will help states and tribal communities implement grid resilience programs and achieve decarbonization goals.

Eleven of the 22 projects will develop technologies for producing solar Fuels from photoelectrochemical (PEC) and solar thermochemical (STCH) water splitting; six of the 22 will develop and validate sensor technology for monitoring and measuring hydrogen losses; two projects will demonstrate materials-based hydrogen storage; and three projects will develop high-performing, low-PGM catalysts and membranes electrode assemblies (MEAs) for medium- and heavy-duty applications.

Projects selected to improve hydrogen emissions detection will supplement DOE’s well-established and extensive work on hydrogen leakage addressing community concerns about hydrogen emissions and safety, and they will advance the broader field of leakage detection and monitoring technologies.

The projects will be managed by DOE’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) and will also advance DOE’s Hydrogen Shot goal of reducing the cost of clean hydrogen to 1 dollar per 1 kilogram in 1 decade (“1-1-1”). They will support DOE’s H2@Scale initiative, which aims to augment the affordable production, transport, storage, and utilization of clean hydrogen.


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