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Uniper and Sasol ecoFT continue to develop SkyFuelH2 SAF

Uniper and Sasol ecoFT (a division of Sasol) will enter the next phase of the SkyFuelH2 project for production of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in Långsele, Sollefteå, Sweden. The plant is subject to a final investment decision in the future.

Uniper and Sasol ecoFT have jointly applied for funding from the Swedish Energy Agency for the next phase of development and to the EU Innovation Fund for overall project funding. The final decision on the award is likely to be received during the next study phase.

In SkyFuelH2, biomass and renewable hydrogen feedstock will be combined using Sasol’s proprietary Fischer-Tropsch technology to produce SAF on an industrial scale—a global first. The biomass comes from processed forestry residues. The hydrogen will come from an electrolysis unit that uses locally available renewable electricity. Both ensure a fully sustainable value chain and a product in accordance with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II/III).

The partners will continue further development work, with the support of the Sollefteå municipality. The ambition is to begin construction of the SkyFuelH2 facility in 2025, subject to achieving FID (final investment decision), and potentially supplying the aviation industry with sustainable aviation fuel as early as 2028.


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