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Trucks moved two-thirds of freight tonnage and three-fourths of freight value in US in 2021

Trucking moved two-thirds of US domestic freight in terms of tonnage and three-fourths of freight in terms of value in 2021, according to analysis by the US Department of Energy (DOE).


“Air” includes shipments moved by air or a combination of truck and air in commercial or private aircraft. “Other and unknown” includes movements not elsewhere classified such as flyaway aircraft, and shipments for which the mode cannot be determined. Contains only shipments associated with domestic freight moved between domestic origins and domestic destinations.

Source: US Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and Federal Highway Administration, Freight Analysis Framework Version 5.5, Data Tabulation Tool

Pipeline, rail, and water modes typically move heavy bulk commodities and thus have greater shares of freight by tonnage than by value. Higher value commodities typically move by air and multiple modes & mail, making up a greater share of freight by value than by tonnage.


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