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Rhythmos launches mobility and utility network management platform for EV charging with Tennessee Valley Authority & Knoxville Utilities Board

Rhythmos’ rapid deployment with Knoxville Utilities Board is a collaboration with Tennessee Valley Authority and EPRI via the Incubatenergy® Labs program. Rhythmos will tap into data from 250,000 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters to provide KUB with energy network management to optimize EV charging capabilities. Rhythmos is one of just 16 companies selected to participate in this year’s Incubatenergy® Labs program, in which leading utilities engage with select early-stage clean energy companies to demonstrate cutting-edge solutions that advance decarbonization, electrification, grid modernization, and resilience.

Rhythmos has announced the commercial deployment of its mobility and utility network management platform in East Tennessee, through a collaborative demonstration project with the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and EPRI’s Incubatenergy Labs (IEL) program.


Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) will be the first utility system to implement Rhythmos’ innovative predictive analytics software solution to provide vital data such as EV detection, charging characterization, day-ahead forecasting, and transformer loading.


Rhythmos’ data offers visibility into the electric grid and will allow KUB to identify, quantify, forecast, and control EV charging needs to minimize grid impact. This data also informs operational planning, procurement and rate design.

A key feature of the Rhythmos solution is its ability to provide comprehensive loading analysis on each distribution service transformer in KUB’s distribution system. This includes a meticulous assessment of the impact of EV loading on service transformers.


By ingesting data from KUB’s 250,000 Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) meters and Geographic Information System (GIS) data, Rhythmos will analyze meter intervals to detect EV charging points precisely within the distribution system. Rhythmos will also characterize EV charging behavior—such as frequency and time of day—based on historical meter data, which will provide KUB with insight into EV charging load projections for the next day.

To earn this rapid deployment demonstration with KUB, Rhythmos was one of only 16 companies to earn a place in EPRI’s 2023 IEL Cohort. EPRI provides independent testing of Rhythmos’ energy management analytics and algorithm performance based on EPRI’s evaluation of the effectiveness of Rhythmos’ EV detection and day-ahead forecasting functionalities. The assessment of this demonstration will extend to exploring the potential impact on utility rates, resulting in a comprehensive report outlining the rate implications of the solutions presented. The results of this partnership will be presented on 1 Novemberat EPRI’s Incubatenergy Demo Day.

Rhythmos brings a modular and scalable solution to the utilities and EV charging management market, which allows the software to integrate with existing systems seamlessly. Rhythmos and Driivz recently announced a joint effort to accelerate fleet electrification by optimizing charging schedules via the Driivz platform, which already manages tens of thousands of existing charging points globally.

The Tennessee Valley Authority is the nation’s largest public power supplier, delivering energy to 10 million people across seven southeastern states. TVA is a corporate agency of the United States, receiving no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity.

KUB is a municipal utility serving Knoxville, Knox County, and parts of seven adjacent counties in East Tennessee with safe and reliable electric, fiber, natural gas, water, and wastewater services to more than 478,000 customers.



Uhhhh, they service Knoxville, TN, but the maps are of Sacramento, CA? but moving on.

And this, while being useful to manage grid load, is still creepy in that if they can track what is being charged and when and where, what is stopping overreach? What starts as load and demand tracking to help grid reliability can easily morph into "you used too much electricity charging your car this week" so they reduce your charge rate or simply shut it off.

Anyone who thinks that is crazy - look at "unlimited" data plans for cell phones in the US. Carriers will throttle or re-prioritize users who use more than other users at a set limit of network capacity or usage in a period of time.


Variant, your utility already knows how much electricity you consume. Many utilities already offer incentives for off-peak usage.

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