Syrah Resources begins natural graphite active anode material production at Vidalia
17 February 2024
Syrah Resources has begun production of natural graphite active anode materila (AAM) at its 11.25ktpa facility in Vidalia, Louisiana. (Earlier post.) Vidalia is the first vertically integrated natural graphite AAM supplier outside China, processing natural graphite from Syrah’s Balama Graphite Operation in Mozambique.
Commencing production at Vidalia is a huge step forward in Syrah’s evolution, with the downstream integration being the culmination of almost seven years of technology development, feasibility, procurement, engineering, construction and commissioning work undertaken by the Syrah team and its service providers.
Our 11.25ktpa AAM Vidalia operation is strategic for both Syrah and the North American battery supply chain and is the foundation of our downstream growth strategy. This strategy is supported by strong EV-driven demand globally, recognition of the importance of independent natural graphite AAM critical mineral supply, and differentiation in terms of emissions intensity of production and provenance of supply.
The importance of Vidalia is reinforced by China’s recent introduction of export controls on natural and synthetic graphite and its products, and US guidance on the definition of foreign entity of concern governing qualification for the Section 30D tax credit for new electric vehicles.
—Syrah Managing Director and CEO Shaun Verner
A definitive feasibility study on a subsequent further expansion of Vidalia’s production capacity to 45ktpa AAM on its 38-acre site confirmed that the expansion project is technically viable, financially robust and is expected to deliver significant value. Syrah is progressing development activities and offtake agreements to prepare the Vidalia Further Expansion project for FID readiness. Financing considerations will determine FID timing.