Hanwha Aerospace, Hanwha Ocean to develop hydrogen fuel cells for ships
Germany developing National Action Plan for climate-friendly shipping

Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota, and MHI commence study toward introduction and spread of carbon-neutral fuels for automobiles

Idemitsu Kosan, ENEOS, Toyota Motor, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries commenced a study toward the introduction and spread of carbon-neutral fuels that contribute to the decarbonization of automobiles with the aim of realizing a carbon-neutral society. Seeking to introduce carbon-neutral fuels in Japan around 2030, the four companies fulfilling major roles respectively in supply, technology, and demand will jointly embark on this study.

Carbon-neutral fuels are fuels that limit CO2 emissions across the entire product life cycle. It is a collective term that includes synthetic fuels (e-fuel) made using hydrogen and CO2, and biofuels made from raw materials such as plants that absorb CO2 via photosynthesis. Liquid carbon-neutral fuels in particular are advantageous in terms of energy storage and transportation and are suitable as energy sources that can be transported.


Types of carbon-neutral fuels and their production processes.

The scope of the joint study by the four companies is:

  • To discuss and to study scenarios and roadmaps for the introduction of carbon-neutral fuels in Japan’s automobile market and the various systems necessary for market introduction; and

  • To investigate the feasibility of production from perspectives such as energy security in Japan.



I doubt the Japanese have enough land for biofuels.
Maybe they will use seaweed.
or land elsewhere.


Reuse fossil carbon to reduce fossil carbon emission


Just a note that natural hydrogen resource identification seems to be going gangbusters, and passing every hurdle. Video interview with the boss of Gold Hydrogen, who have confirmed major pure resources in their Australian concession, both of hydrogen and helium:


Of course, there are a lot more hurdles to negotiate, so nothing can be counted on, but so far it is looking very good indeed.

Interestingly they are looking at production of helium initially, as there is an existing market for this high value commodity.

Whatever low carbon fuel you use, hydrogen is a major component, including SAF etc.

Looks way cheaper than electrolysis, IF it pans out.


Im interrested to buy efuels made with gold hydrogen for my friends car's cuz i sold my car but my friends give me a lot of rides.
Since we construct a lot of bevs the environment is hurting because way more polluting mining and the dept level of contries and citizens is increasing.

Thomas Pedersen



The ERoEI is terrible, it leads to more forest clearing, and it barely makes a dent in fossil consumption. Particularly not when considering the cost to nature.


@Davemart - I was stunned when I saw those results for gold hydrogen. As an Aussie, I'm constantly amazed at the riches beneath this continent. It seems whatever mineral/resource etc you can think of, it's down there. Just dig it up and ship it off overseas! The above-ground might be mostly dry desert, but the underneath is a treasure trove.


These guys reckon that biochar assisted electrolyis can produce hydrogen really efficiently, right down on the farm:


I also note that:

' "It's very efficient, with almost 35% conversion of the biochar and solar energy into hydrogen" said Rohit Chauhan, a co-author and postdoctoral scholar in Singh's lab. "These are world record numbers; it's the highest anyone has demonstrated."

To make the process net-zero, it must capture the carbon dioxide generated by the reaction. But Singh said this too could have environmental and economic benefits, such as producing pure carbon dioxide to carbonate beverages or converting it into ethylene and other chemicals used in plastic manufacturing.'

If you have CO2 in concentrated form, and hydrogen, presumably that is a good starter for the presently somewhat mythic SAF.......


And here is 'Wild Hydrogen' where these Gloucester folk reckon you can bung in most anything, agricultural waste, plastic, and they can churn out hydrogen at the same price as grey hydrogen, with the CO2 ready to be captured:



Can't find the tech description.......


Biochar was tried a while back the company promoting it said they're going to get all the farmers to buy the stuff what they found out is no one wanted to pay money for it end of business plan

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