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Glocal Green and Norwegian Hydrogen join forces for green hydrogen in conjunction with bio-methanol production

Glocal Green AS and Norwegian Hydrogen entered into a cooperation agreement for the development and establishment of hydrogen production in connection with Glocal Green’s planned bio-methanol plant.

The hydrogen production will be organized into a separate jointly owned company. The bio-methanol will be produced from low-grade biological residual materials and by-products from forestry, agriculture, and the marine sector. By adding hydrogen in the production process, all the green carbon is utilized, resulting in a volumetric doubling of methanol production. This methanol, with added hydrogen, is termed bio-e-methanol.

The market for this green methanol is growing, both within the chemical industry and as a replacement for fossil fuels in the maritime sector and aviation. Hydrogen production requires access to power, and in a growing global power deficit, high transition efficiency is important. This concept, which combines bio-waste and hydrogen, contributes to optimal energy utilization, where the energy from the biomass, together with the energy from the added hydrogen, provides an outstanding yield to the input power, the partners said.

The result is a green liquid hydrogen carrier at a competitive price.

The first project is in Øyer in Gudbrandsdalen. The goal here is an annual production of 150,000 tons of bio-e-methanol, which will also involve local production of 15,000 tons of green hydrogen from electrolysis.

Glocal Green was founded in 2020 and has since worked to establish the production of green methanol as a replacement for fossil fuels and as a raw material for the chemical industry. The company has secured solid partners for raw materials, production technology, distribution, and market uptake. Glocal Green has its head office in Aalesund, Norway.

The first production unit is planned in Øyer, Innlandet county, through the subsidiary Glocal Green Innlandet AS, with planned start of production in 2028. Through the subsidiary Glocal Green Energy AS, also located I Aalesund, Norway, work is being done on infrastructure and arrangements for deliveries to the market.


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