EIA: US production capacity for sustainable aviation fuel to grow
18 July 2024
Production capacity of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the United States could increase from around 2,000 barrels per day (b/d) to nearly 30,000 b/d in 2024 if all announced capacity additions come on line, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA).
Developers expect Phillips 66’s Rodeo Renewed project to produce up to about 10,000 b/d of SAF beginning this summer, and they expect Diamond Green Diesel’s Port Arthur SAF project to produce about 15,000 b/d of SAF by the end of the year.
SAF is an alternative to petroleum jet fuel. It’s produced from agricultural and waste feedstocks and is consumed in blends with petroleum jet fuel. Investments in SAF have increased due to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), federal tax credits, and state programs and tax credits incentivizing use of the fuel.
The White House also set a goal of meeting 100% of US aviation fuel demand with SAF by 2050. About 1.6 million b/d of petroleum jet fuel was consumed in the United States in 2023, and EIA projectS Us jet fuel demand in 2050 to exceed 2.0 million b/d.
EIA captureS SAF production data in the Other Biofuels category of the Petroleum Supply Monthly. In addition to SAF, the Other Biofuels category includes renewable heating oil, renewable naphtha, renewable propane, renewable gasoline, and other emerging biofuels that are in various stages of development and commercialization.
Historically, production of Other Biofuels in the United States has been minimal. However, because renewable naphtha and renewable propane are by-products of a growing renewable diesel industry, production of Other Biofuels has been growing as well. US production of Other Biofuels increased from just 2,000 b/d in 2020 to 19,000 b/d in 2023.
SAF production has historically represented a small portion of Other Biofuels production because of restricted production capacity. At the beginning of 2024, US SAF production capacity was only around 2,000 b/d, with only two plants capable of producing SAF: World Energy’s plant in Paramount, California, and Montana Renewables’ plant in Great Falls, Montana.
In its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook, EIA forecasts that US production of Other Biofuels will increase by about 50% in 2024 and almost double from 2024 to 2025.
The primary driver for our forecasted increase in Other Biofuels production—from 19,000 b/d in 2023 to 51,000 b/d in 2025—is increasing US SAF production capacity.
I find this pretty incredible.
Where are the land and water use analyses of such a massive increase in biofuels?
Not just for the comparatively well-endowed US, but if they want to fly back again, from the rest of the world?
Of course this is finessed by the fact that for the foreseeable future, the SAF is to be in homeopathic quantities only.
It is often contrasted to hydrogen, but how much hydrogen would need to be produced anyway to put in the biofuels, to make this work at all?
' When considering the BTL process, we note that H2 intervenes in a different way. Recent advances show that its addition to syngas boosts the fuel output at least by a factor of 2.5–3.0. In their pioneering study in 2015, Hannula et al. demonstrated that hydrogen-supplemented FT-synfuels were more cost-effective than non-biomass synfuels (electrofuels), especially for a levelized cost of H2 below 2.2–2.8 €/kg [38]. Based on kinetic models, it has been published that the carbon efficiency of the BTL process can be increased from ca. 35% to more than 90% by adding H2 from renewable resources, namely hydrogen produced through high-temperature water-electrolysis, with a hot steam generated from the high-temperature syngas [39]. The integration of H2 allows to modulate the H2/CO ratio of the syngas to optimal values and to get rid of the WGS step, which explains the improvement of the carbon efficiency [40]. In this case, the levels of hydrogen to be introduced to boost the process also remain high since recent literature reports values ranging from 0.19 to 0.28-ton H2 per ton of fuel produced [41].'
Posted by: Davemart | 18 July 2024 at 03:38 AM
If they want to extract CO2 from the air and seawater then use renewable hydrogen they don't need any biomass and it's sustainable renewable there's virtually no end to the amount of CO2 in the ocean after 100 years.
Imagine an airline like JetBlue saying the skies are blue because we don't pollute with sulfur we're renewable and sustainable fly our airline you may pay a little more for each seat but it's worth it.
Posted by: SJC | 18 July 2024 at 12:00 PM
'ETH spin-off Climeworks operates a plant in Iceland that currently captures 4,000 metric tons of CO2 a year, at a cost per metric ton of between 1,000 and 1,300 dollars. But how quickly can these costs come down as deployment increases?
ETH researchers have developed a new method that provides a more accurate estimate of the future cost of various DAC technologies. As the technologies are scaled up, direct air capture will become significantly cheaper—though not as cheap as some stakeholders currently anticipate. Rather than the oft-cited figure of 100 to 300 U.S. dollars, the researchers suggest the costs are more likely to be between 230 and 540 dollars.'
The study on which this is based is available here:
I have had a good read of the basis of their analysis, and DAC with any tech we have or can reasonably expect to have for the foreseeable future remains in the realm of 'pull the other one, its got bells on' !
Plants do a better job than anything we have anywhere near the ability to do.
Posted by: Davemart | 18 July 2024 at 02:11 PM
And here is something which conceivably could, at some time in the future, change the equation for direct air capture:
' By using naturally occurring humidity differences as a driving force for pumping carbon dioxide out of air, the team overcame the energy challenge. The presence of water also accelerated the transport of carbon dioxide through the membrane, tackling the kinetic challenge.'
And here in depth:
This stuff is just now coming out of the laboratory, and folk like the jolly japesters at Boeing with their plans to increase, not decrease, CO2 emissions for decades via an ever expanding fleet should be viewed with the respect their wilful disregard of the public good has earnt.
'Something will turn up' is the philosophy of Mr McCawber, and fellow infantile fantasists.
But there is perhaps a glimmer of hope.
Posted by: Davemart | 19 July 2024 at 12:53 PM
Whatever the irresponsible shenanigans in the aircraft and tourist industry, nothing should obscure what a boon non biological CO2 removal would be to the climate.
The previous analysis I linked could, of course, only deal with techs which were about or extrapolations of what we had, and did not refer to something from left field, as you can't analyse that by the nature of things, much as studies of climate change do not account for what would happen in the event of the second coming or whatever.
All that we need to do is find out if this works, see it can be done in series as a cascade, prove it economically, ramp it to billions of tons a year and finance it!
Posted by: Davemart | 19 July 2024 at 01:16 PM