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T&E analysis: slow BEV sales in Germany held back EU electric car market in first half of 2024

Electric car sales continued to grow in Europe this year, with the exception of in Germany, according to a new analysis by environmental NGO Transport & Environment (T&E). Battery electric sales in the rest of the EU (excluding Germany) increased by 9.4% on average in the first half of the year, compared to the same period in 2023. In the whole EU, including Germany, the number of BEVs sold grew by just 1.3%.


The abrupt removal of purchase subsidies contributed to a 16.4% decrease in BEV sales in Germany in the first half of 2024. A stable and supportive regulatory environment is key to avoiding stagnation and locking in investment, T&E said.

T&E called on German lawmakers to follow Belgium’s company car policy which sets attractive depreciation rates for electric cars and phases out depreciation for combustion engines. As a result, BEV sales in Belgium increased by 48% in the first half of the year.

In the first half of 2024, EV sales grew in markets with supportive regulatory environments:

  • In France, which has a social leasing scheme to provide cheap electric cars to low-income households, BEV sales increased by 14.9% in H1 2024;

  • In Italy, BEV sales increased by 7.0% in the first half of the year, with a sales peak in June 2024 when new EV incentives were launched;

  • In Belgium, the company car segment drove the BEV market with a 47.8% increase in the first half of the year; and

  • In the UK, the ZEV mandate has driven the BEV market, with sales increasing by 9.2% in H1 2024.

While the number of BEV sales in the EU remained stable, the average BEV share decreased slightly to 12.5% (from 12.9% in H1 2023), according to the analysis. However, in the rest of the EU (excluding Germany) BEV market share increased to 12.5% in H1 2024 (from 12.0% in H1 2023).



Auch diese T&E Analyse entstand da gesponsert von der BEV Industrie und speziell von China da 99% Batterie-Zellen-Lieferant an alle BEV-OEM weltweit.
In Deutschland werden nach aktuellen Informationen - siehe Medien - über 90% der BEV nur noch geleast da die Menschen eben keine China Waren kaufen wollen.
Diese über 90% BEV sind angeblich nur "von Premium-OEMs" die keinerlei private Kunden haben da einfach zu teuer und eben China Waren extrem teuer verkaufen wollen!!! Darum auch keine weiteren staatliche Subventionen da bereits gewerblich subventioniert. Kennen Sie das deutsche 100% staatliche gewerbliche Sub-System???
Der Link ... https://jalopnik.com/more-than-90-percent-of-german-evs-sold-in-q1-were-leas-1851600087

Sie wissen, dass in BRD viele Menschen China Waren nicht mehr kaufen/leasen da mit Russland verbündet!!! T&E wird wohl von diesen Popu. Staaten gesponsert und ist darum keine unabhängige NGO Organisation!!!


many EVs use South Korean batteries made by LG. Not everything is made in China.
There is Tesla as well, many Tesla models use batteries made in USA and Germany.

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