Volvo Trucks North America announces availability of CARB 2024 Omnibus-compliant heavy-duty engine
21 July 2024
Volvo Trucks North America announced the availability of an engine that meets California Air Resources Board (CARB) 2024 Omnibus regulation requirements for low nitrogen oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions standards.
The CARB Omnibus regulation mandates a 75% reduction in NOx emissions and a 50% reduction in particulate matter (PM) from heavy-duty on-road engines for engine model years 2024 through 2026 compared to existing US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards.
Volvo Trucks’ CARB 24-compliant engine features an advanced emission control system integrated with a fully serviceable linear exhaust aftertreatment system (EATS). Each component, including the Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC), Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF), Aftertreatment Heater, and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR), is designed for individual servicing or replacement.
This approach minimizes waste and maximizes operational lifespan. Additionally, a 48-volt alternator has been incorporated onto the engine to supply power to a 48-volt battery that powers the heater during startup and low-load situations.
The CARB 24-compliant engine is available for order now in the VNR and current VNL models with a power rating of 455 HP and 1650 lb.ft. of torque. Customers located in California or that operate primarily in the state must have a completed CARB Certification Form before a vehicle order can be submitted.
As a result of the Clean Truck Partnership, an agreement completed last year between CARB and truck manufacturers, there will now be alignment in all 50 states with federal standards for NOx emissions beginning in 2027.
Instead of repeatedly returning to the technical stone age and ever presenting new combustion engine BS, why not turn attention to future dynamics and present solutions that also have a future instead of wasting time, effort and substantial financial investments.
There are two basic types of electric motors: the most common of these two is the radial flux (RFT), the far more appealing is the axial flux type (AFT). It has far more torque, has an unachieved power to weight ratio and weighs less by less volume. WTH even build radial flux types??? All electric airplane researchers / builders are solely dedicated to employing the AFT in their solutions.
Copper costs approx. $9,000.00 per ton. Aluminum costs approx. $2.500.00 per ton.
Graphene costs approx. $200.00 per kg. An Aluminum-Graphene alloy (AGA) costs approx. $4.000.00 per ton. AGA has a far better electrical conductance than copper, an improved heat transfer, is lighter and costs less than half of copper. Why are motor windings still made of copper???
Posted by: yoatmon | 21 July 2024 at 03:38 AM
Posted by: yoatmon | 21 July 2024 at 11:07 AM
Posted by: Carl | 22 July 2024 at 07:20 AM
Turn the wheels with electric motors. Supply the KW needed to move a fully loaded truck at 70 MPH on level road with a NA, port injected gas engine genset . No more exhaust after treatment needed other than CC. Just a series hybrid.
Posted by: TonyD | 22 July 2024 at 07:41 AM
Der Artikel ist super interessant denn VOLVO hat hier eine Entwicklung in die Produktion gegeben die bereits 20 Jahre vorher in Serie war!!!
Da ich Europäer bin - aus Germany - weiss ich aber, dass die Auto Firma BMW ALPINA bereits vor 20 Jahren einen elektrisch beheizten Katalysator bei deren V12 N/A Motor hatten!!! Es war der BMW E38 750i als ALPINA B12 6.0L mit über 400HP!!! Also hat VOLVO nur 20 Jahre benötigt diese geniale Technik auf einen Industrie Diesel Motor zu übertragen!!!
Zu den Kommentaren der BEV-Jünger zu ICE-Themen:
Nun jeder kann einen Kommentar scheiben, aber man sollte beim THEMA bleiben und keine kruden Wünsche äussern die nie technisch möglich sind. Übrigens ist der Batterie-Schrott viel gefährlicher wie ICE-Schrott. Auch die Ausgrabungen von Rohstoffen und deren Produktion sind hoch giftig. Auch die Lieferung von deren Bauteilen aus Despoten Staaten sollte man überdenken ob ökologisch!!!
Posted by: Herman | 23 July 2024 at 01:14 AM
@ Herman:
I'll concede to you that every start has its difficulties. The Li-ion battery, invented from John Goodenough and presently mainly used in BEVs, was good enough for an introduction of this technology but not good enough to prevail. Currently, the best battery on the "Marketplace" is the Sodium battery being championed from CATL. The components of this battery do not constitute neither social nor political implications, are environmentally benign and easily recyclable. They are massibly available worldwide and hence prohibit market domination / monopolization.
The Aluminum-Graphene solution from GMG holds promises, solidified from various test results, that surpass the the benefits of CATL's Sodium battery.
Quantumscape's unique approach to design a SSB will more than likely up-heave the luxury segment of BEVs. There are many innovations just around the corner for improvement of technology, considerable price reductions and environmental compatability. The ICE-tech. may be "the apple of your eye";irregardless, whether you believe it or not, ICE has as much chance in the future as a snowball in hell.
Posted by: yoatmon | 23 July 2024 at 03:49 AM
oops: They are massively available .....
Posted by: yoatmon | 23 July 2024 at 03:55 AM