DOE awarding up to $371M to 20 projects to accelerate transmission permitting across US
Rio Tinto and Aymium to establish biocarbon joint venture in Québec

German gas transmission systems operators submit hydrogen core network application; expected investment of €20B

In Germany, gas transmission system operators (TSOs) have submitted their hydrogen core network application to Germany’s Bundesnetzagentur. The future hydrogen core network will include important hydrogen infrastructure that will be put into operation gradually by 2032. Overall the application provides for a line length of 9,666 km (around 60% of which are to be converted lines) with expected investment costs of €19.7 billion.

We are taking a close look at the proposed network to verify that it is in compliance with legal requirements. Setting up the hydrogen core network begins with the Bundesnetzagentur’s approval of the application.

—Klaus Müller, President of the Bundesnetzagentur

The hydrogen core network is the building block for developing Germany’s nationwide hydrogen infrastructure. Its aim is to expedite the hydrogen ramp-up. The Bundesnetzagentur is now checking whether or not the proposed hydrogen core network meets the legal requirements. For example, hydrogen producers, storage facilities and large consumers must be interconnected and there must be access points to the European hydrogen network.

Once the core network is established, the hydrogen infrastructure will be continuously developed in the form of a two-year network development plan so that further hydrogen needs and sources can be successively integrated. This autumn the Bundesnetzagentur will conduct a consultation on the plan on the basis of the scenario framework drawn up by the TSOs.

The application for the hydrogen core network is based on section 28q of the Energy Industry Act (EnWG) and is expected to be approved by the Bundesnetzagentur within two months.



Since my German is limited to:
'Eine steiner, danke'
I will not attempt to research the studies showing that it is OK to transport hydrogen largely in existing natural gas pipes, albeit at a lower energy flow rate than for the same pipe and pressure as NG.
I did dig out the recent findings of the National grid here in the UK, and document it here:

Tech paper:

No doubt Germany and other countries in Europe have done or are doing equivalent studies.

I also argue that since a lot of energy presently supplied by natural gas will be done with heat pumps, solar etc, and home fuel cells rather than gas boilers use hydrogen with very high electrical plus thermal efficiency, less capacity is needed anyway, so the lower flow rate is acceptable, although of course more expensive per KWh

For the UK transportation and distribution costs make up around 34% of the bill:

Writing off the gas network and going all electric would also be a darn expensive as well as disruptive proposition though.

Converstion of the NG network in Europe does not directly read across to the US, as specification differ.

But those who confidently proclaimed its impossibility were arguing in my view from an agenda.


' I will not attempt to research the studies showing that it is OK to transport hydrogen largely in existing natural gas pipes, '

I was referring to Germany. Some mornings I do not even speak,or at least write, English! ;-)


There are massive battles ahead here in the UK on electricity transmission lines, with the new government planning a huge expansion of onshore wind turbines, after a decade or so of none being built.

' National Grid said the cost of the Lincolnshire pylon scheme is about £1.1bn, while the cost would be about £6.5bn for underground cabling and about £4.4bn for undersea cabling.'

To nail my colours to the mast, I am completely in favour of the transition to clean energy, and electric transmission of it as well as using hydrogen where that is more appropriate.

I prioritise respect for the land however, and don't regard that as something to be traded off or sacrificed.

So power transmission, yes, but underground or undersea, not with pylons marching across the vistas which make living in the UK a joy.

And solar farms too, with agrivoltaics, where it is blended in with farming, not by creating a desert of factory floor landscapes.


And in Germany:

' Today, global engineering and consultancy group DMT GROUP said it has been appointed to support two critical elements of the construction of SuedLink, the longest underground power cable in the world. The 700-km 100% underground SuedLink transmission line will transport wind energy from northern Germany to Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg and better integrate sources of renewable energy into Germany’s electricity grid.'

(This was in 2021)

It can be done without desecrating the country, and not having the alternative of overground pylons would concentrate minds and engineering expertise wonderfully on reducing costs.

The legal costs and cost delays of forcing people to put up with pylons destroying the harmony of their land are also considerable.

Roger Brown

The Canadian Transition Accelerator group has published a very readable technical brief called "The TechnoEconomics of Hydrogen Pipelines" (

My understanding from a quick read through this brief is that the network of smaller diameter low pressure pipes which deliver natural gas to end users is built of low strength steel which resist H2 embrittlement well and can therefore be re-purposed to carry hydrogen without a significant reduction in the volume of delivered energy. These pipes will require new valves and a more careful inspection regime which will add to the cost of operation.

On the other hand the large diameter, high pressure, high flow volume pipelines are built of high strength steel to reduce cost since you need less high strength steel to withstand a given amount of pressure. Unfortunately high strength steel does not resist H2 embrittlement nearly as well as low strength steel and therefore re-purposing these pipes to carry H2 may require significantly lower H2 flow rates which could conceivably be an economic deal breaker. Even for purpose built H2 pipelines the technical brief claims that the energy flow rate will be 12% less than for natural gas pipes.

Building new large diameter pipelines optimized for H2 transport will be an expensive proposition. The levelized costs are reasonable. In the technical brief they go through a sample calculation for a 1500km 36 inch pipe and get cost 0.87C$/Kg H2=0.62US$/Kg H2. However this cost is for a mature pipeline which has been carrying high volumes of H2 for many years. Getting from here to there is not a trivial economic feat.


Thanks Roger.

From your link, this is the bit I was unaware of ( Executive summary)

' Even though hydrogen has only one third the volumetric energy density of natural gas, hydrogen flow in a pipeline can be significantly higher than that for natural gas/methane. Therefore, in the same pipeline can carry hydrogen at ~ 88% of the energy it can carry as natural gas/methane.'

And at 4:2

'At any given pressure and temperature, the maximum flow rates in a pipeline are limited by the erosional velocity of the gas. The erosional velocity as explained earlier depends on gas properties such as compressibility factor and specific gas gravity. At typical transmission pipeline operating pressures of 70-100 bars, the erosional velocity of H2 can be ~2.91 times higher than methane. Thus, maximum flow rates of H2 can be 2.91 times higher than methane. Therefore, the maximum energy density of a H2 pipeline is limited to ~ 2.91/3.29 = 88.4% of energy content of a methane pipeline. '


' It is important to highlight that the higher flow rates needed for H2 will result in higher compression energy. Since compression power depends on molar flow rate, it takes about three times as much energy to compress a MJ's worth of energy if you supply it as H2 than if you supply it as natural gas. This was described in more detail in Transition Accelerator’s technical brief on H2 compression.'

So it is apparent that a hydrogen pipeline can shift around nearly as much energy as a natural gas one, albeit at higher energy cost, which I will come back to in another post.

I am disappointed that after watching an interview on 'Engineering with Rosie' with Dr Paul Martin, an expert in such things, I had no clue that that was the case, and was left with the impression that rates were of the order of a third of the energy.

Perhaps I was just being thick, not uncommon with me, but I rather imagine that perhaps Dr Martin was arguing a case, as he was very much opposed to piping hydrogen about, instead of trying as impartially as possible outline the technologies.

Not a fan of that approach.


Here is the link Transition Accelerator mention on hydrogen compression:

I ain't got the technical chops from that to work out how much moving hydrogen about instead of natural gas is likely to bump up costs, but they do say in 'Summary and Outlook':

' Although compression of natural gas is widely used, the compression of H2 is significantly challenging due to its low molecular weight and density. Currently available compressors which rely on mechanical pistons are expensive and reported efficiencies are low when compressing H2 to high pressures (> 200 bar).
Moreover, they suffer from frequent mechanical failure which increases operating expenses. Further research and development activities are needed to design high efficiency compressors that can deliver H2 at high pressures without compromising on the purity and reliability. The development of new technologies such as those based on ionic liquids or metal hydrides is promising. In particular, ionic liquid
compressors which have been particularly developed by, Linde, could be the key to efficient and low cost H2 compression. These compressors do not require bearings or seals, two of the common sources of failures in piston and diaphragm compressors.
Finally, as we move towards the implementation of net-zero energy systems, the capital costs associated with compressors is forecasted to drop sharply with economy of scale. These are exciting times and present both challenges and opportunities for different stake holders involved in the H2 economy'

This report is from 2021, and things will have moved on since then, in particular I believe in the field of ionic compressors.


How much electric transmission will €20B buy?

Nordlink between German and Norway carries 1,400 MW across 623 kilometers under water and cost €1.75 billion



You have to have power there to transmit.
Most of the power for both Germany and the UK is used in the winter, and both have lousy solar resources.

Fortunately the winter is when the wind blows strongest, but of course not reliably exactly when the power is needed.

Battery storage is realistically only economic for around 4 hours.

Using hydrogen creates an inherent buffer, both in the pipelines and it can of course be stored in salt caverns - we have to get a move on to excavate some out in the UK, as the Germans are doing.

If you are relying exclusively on the electric grid, and not using nuclear, when you turn the switch on, it may well not work, as there is no power available, which is somewhat annoying.



Norway is one huge battery



A battery which is already used for as many valleys as the Norwegians are prepared to flood and which especially in dry years can only cover a fraction of European demand even at present levels of electrification

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