Department of Interior announces $775M for states to plug orphaned oil and gas wells
15 August 2024
The Department of the Interior announced the availability of $775 million for 21 states to clean up legacy pollution. Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Department is delivering the largest investment in tackling legacy pollution in American history, including $4.7 billion to plug orphaned wells—of which more than $1 billion has already been distributed.
The new funding includes grants to states in three categories: initial grants, formula grants, and performance grants.
Plugging is underway across the country, and since the enactment of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, states have plugged more than 8,200 orphaned wells.
Many of these wells pose serious health and safety threats by contaminating surface and groundwater, releasing toxic air pollutants, and leaking methane.
Since August 2022, the Department has awarded $565 million in initial grants to 25 states, $444 million in Phase 1 formula grants to 18 states and a $2-million performance grant to one state. The newly released Phase 2 Formula Grant guidance begins the start of the next application window for states to apply for an estimated $775 million in formula grant funds.
The 21 states eligible to apply for a Phase 2 formula grant have until 13 December 2024, to submit applications. Additional phases of funding will be available in the future.
Basically another oil subsidy. Oil companies made billions exploiting these wells, and we get stuck with the bill to clean-up the mess.
Posted by: Bernard | 15 August 2024 at 06:14 AM
Props to the establishment and the fossil fuel industry for ruthlessly utilising the concept of limited liability to take the monies then scarper, whilst socialising the true costs of the damage they do.
Capitalism? I don't think so.
Rip off oligarchic behaviour more like.
The airline industry plans to take full advantage bu turning out umpteen more highly polluting long distance airliners whilst knowing full well that they have zero realistic plans to contain CO2 etc.
Posted by: Davemart | 15 August 2024 at 08:45 AM
Once you plug them you can use them as reservoirs for CO2 emissions from power plants reduce our emissions dramatically
Posted by: SJC | 20 August 2024 at 06:08 PM