DOE issues two RFIs to move ahead with IIJA $9.5B clean hydrogen initiatives

The US Department of Energy (DOE) released two Requests for Information (RFI) to collect feedback from stakeholders to inform the implementation and design of Regional Hydrogen Hub and the Electrolysis and Clean Hydrogen Manufacturing and Recycling programs per the IIJA (Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act), representing a combined $9.5-billion inverstment.... Read more →

The FLITE (Fuel via Low Carbon Integrated Technology from Ethanol) consortium, led by SkyNRG and with LanzaTech as the technology provider, will build the first-of-its-kind LanzaJet Alcohol to Jet (AtJ) facility. The facility will convert waste-based ethanol to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) at a scale of more than 30,000 tons/yr.... Read more →

LanzaTech moving forward on scale-up of sustainable aviation fuels in US and Japan

LanzaTech continues to make strides in scaling up its alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) platform. Commercialization of the ATJ process has been years in the making, starting with the partnership between LanzaTech and the US Energy Department’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. PNNL developed a unique catalytic process to upgrade ethanol to alcohol-to-jet synthetic... Read more →